I am not a commercial operation, but I do have some for sale in small quantities from my personal stock. These are young adults of ideal breeding size and age. These used to be quite expensive since they are considered Rare. Still quite unique, their price has dropped! Please insure that Marbled Crays are legal to own in your location, by checking with the “Illegal Species List” of your state before ordering. Meet with me in person if you live in DFW, TX to avoid shipping costs. Shipping means ONLY FEDEX OVERNIGHT and nothing else, due to our experiences. My ZipCode is 75028, use the FEDEX website to see what OVERNIGHT shipping is to you. I ONLY SHIP SEASONALLY as I am in Texas with summers over 100 degrees and Winters that dip around freezing! Email for details at marmorkrebs@marbledcrayfish.com
YOUNG ADULT(.5 – 1.5 inch): Originally $50.00 each – NOW $35.00 for 3 young Adults of breeding age (plus FEDEX Ovedrnight Shipping) Use the Paypal button below to order one single crayfish plus shipping: $25.00. Live Delivery Guaranteed with Overnight Delivery from Fedex. (Limited Quantity available, inquire BEFORE ordering). I am NOT a commercial operation, you are obtaining my personal pets. Email me.
NOW ONLY $10.00 each when you buy 5!
US Post Office Priority Shipping to Continental USA: $15.00 – email us for OVERNIGHT shipping prices. Live Delivery Guaranteed with Overnight Delivery from Fedex. $65.00 for 5 young adults from my door to yours (NO P.O. Boxes) via this Paypal Button – (Limited Quantity available, inquire BEFORE ordering):
Terms: Since these are living animals and shipping conditions can be unpredictable, we do not offer refunds or replacements, unless the crayfish are shipped via FEDEX OVERNIGHT service ONLY. If there are still deaths when shipped OVERNIGHT, just email me photos of dead animals still inside the unopened bag!
Email us at marmorkrebs@marbledcrayfish.com for details. Your order is a confirmation that you understand and agree to our terms.